3 quick-read books every real estate professional should add to their summer reading list

Frank DeJiulio
Frank DeJiulio
Published on August 6, 2020

Summer and books – why reading has its own season is a mystery. Perhaps it’s because we supposedly have more leisure time in the summer. You know, lounging by the pool, sunning ourselves on golden sands next to the sea or lazing away the day in a hammock at home.

We know that although real estate agents love to keep up with the latest, crave ways to improve their work-life balance and lead generation, they don’t have a lot of time to devote to reading long works.

So, we’ve narrowed down our choices of summer reading for real estate agents to books that won’t take you months to finish reading but offer tons of value in as few pages as possible.

(Needless to say, we aren’t sponsored by any of these brands – we’re just fans!)

the dip seth godin

“The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick),” Seth Godin

You’ve heard that “Winners Never Quit,” right? In “The Dip,” Godin makes the claim that it’s a “spectacularly bad piece of advice.”

“Never quit wetting your bed?” he asks. Never quit “… that job you had at Burger King in high school?”

His advice is to “… never quit something with long-term potential just because you can’t deal with the stress of the moment.”

For many agents, the stress of the moment may be that there’s no commission check on the horizon, prospecting isn’t going so well or converting leads seems impossible.

If you’re thinking of quitting, consider Godin’s “3 questions to answer before quitting.”

“The Dip” isn’t one of Godin’s more recent offerings, but we think it’s one of his best. At only 96 pages, it’s a quick choice for summer reading for real estate agents.

Find it at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

getting things done david allen

“Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” David Allen

Another oldie but goodie that we add to our list of summer reading for real estate agents, personal productivity guru and New York Times best-selling author, David Allen shows the reader how to become better organized and, thus, more productive.

A few of the reviews claim that Allen seems to be stuck in the past with some of his tips—advocating the use of actual file folders rather than using the cloud or your hard drive. Overall, however, he garners 4.5 out of 5 stars at Amazon.com with glowing reviews.

Learn how to get things done in 352 pages. Heck, you can read this over your Starbucks tomorrow morning.

Find Allen’s book at BarnesandNoble.com and Amazon.com.

“18 Free Marketing Courses For Agents At Any Level,” Easy Agent PRO

Ok, so this one isn’t actually a book, but these 18 real estate courses are totally free and a great way to learn more during the summer months – and the best part is you can do it all from your phone or laptop. Click on over to read our article where we list off the 18 courses you can start your journey down today.


eat that frog brian tracy

“Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time,” Brian Tracy

For me it was picking up the phone to make that first cold call of the day. For you it may be something else, but agents seem to all have one thing they need to do that they just don’t like doing.

Brian Tracy has the cure with 21 strategies to get around procrastination. “Read the book, eat your frog by 10:00 a.m., and then feel free to find a restaurant that serves cocktails at lunch,” sums up Laura Vanderkam at FastCompany.com.

Tracy, our modern-day Zig Ziglar, shows the reader how technology can and should be used to “… remind yourself of what is most important and protect yourself from what is least important,” according to the Amazon.com reviewer.

You’ll also learn how to avoid common distractions, especially prevalent when so many agents are working from home.

All that, in 144 pages.

By the way, ensure that you’re purchasing the 3rd edition (published in April, 2017) because it contains two chapters that the previous editions don’t offer.

Buy Tracy’s book at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

how full is your bucket

“How Full is your Bucket?” by Tom Rath, Donald O. Clifton

“How did you feel after your last interaction with another person?” asks the Amazon reviewer for “How Full is your Bucket?

A more pertinent question for real estate agents is “How did the other person feel after your last interaction?”

Regardless of how you look at the question, the answer is either positive or negative.

The authors, a grandfather and his grandson “… explore how using positive psychology in everyday interactions” can leave both sides feeling good about the interaction.

In a brief 124 pages, agents can learn techniques to help potential clients to know, like and trust them. Not bad for a quick choice in your library of summer reading for real estate agents.

Available at BarnesandNoble.com and Amazon.com.

Be sure to check out the 18 free real estate courses we mentioned above!

The post 3 quick-read books every real estate professional should add to their summer reading list appeared first on Easy Agent Pro.

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